About LinQhost
LinQhost and CSR
LinQhost takes its responsibility when it comes to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). By considering the opportunities for a better environment in decision-making and in various activities, we want to contribute. With innovative means, this can often also be achieved in combination with a more positive result of our company, which means that LinQhost can be called a stable and progressive company.
The IT sector is a major consumer of energy. Not only in a data centre, but also in the office. PC’s and other devices are working overtime. LinQhost has chosen to work with renowned parties such as Datacenter Groningen, Dell H3C, Juniper and Brocade when it comes to housing and purchasing IT equipment.
Sustainable and economical data centres
LinQhost has housed its IT infrastructure in Datacenter Groningen in Zuidbroek. We have chosen this location because it is one of the most economical datacentres in the Netherlands and quickly accessible. Datacenter Groningen uses;
- Innovative cooling system (Free cooling), cooling with outside air instead of air conditioning
- Cold cooling lines to cool where necessary
- 100% Green Electricity supply from the energy supplier.
Here you can read more information about Datacenter Groningen (website).
Because of all these measures, Datacenter Groningen is one of the most economical and green Data Centers in the Netherlands. The last measured PUE value in DCG is only 1.28. We also use the same criteria for our 3 other locations in the Netherlands in terms of innovation, quality and energy consumption.
Choice for high-quality and economical IT equipment
Not only do we only want to work with high-quality materials, our suppliers are also at the forefront when it comes to innovation with regard to energy-saving devices. With the purchases, take into account the energy consumption of IT equipment to a large extent.
Measures office LinQhost
Workstations/PCs, printers, other devices and waste are a continuous burden on the environment. By applying small, simple measures and making employees aware of the need, we also contribute to these areas:
- In the evening the lights are turned off by motion switches.
- PC’s off after office hours.
- Less use of printing and encourage digital storage.
- Occasionally leave the car and work from home
- Purchase of green electricity in the office
- Separating our waste
These are choices that LinQhost has made to do business as sustainably as possible. IT is responsible for a lot of energy consumption and therefore also CO2 emissions. We are convinced that by taking simple measures and good choices, a better environment is within reach.
We encourage our customers – wherever possible – to think about the same ideology and to improve processes related to the environment.