The online consumer spending in the Netherlands has grown by 16.1% over the past year. This is almost twice as hard as a year earlier. Did you know that in 2019 almost 17 million purchases (+24%) were settled by credit card? The credit card accounts for 12% of all online purchases. Impressive growth figures that require solid security. PCI DSS offers you a solution.
PCI DSS briefly explained
PCE stands for Payment Card Industry. This organisation was originally founded by the major payment card companies and manages various security standards for the payment card industry, The most important of these is the Data Security Standard (DSS). PCI DSS was created to prevent credit card fraud.
Extremely secure hosting servers
We use various methods that support our security policy. You can think of the PCI DSS protocol. OWASP guidelines and SCAP testing. By combining these methods with our own methodologies, we realise extremely secure hosting servers for online applications with different goals. You can think of financial systems, healthcare applications, applications where a lot of personal data is processed as an intra/extranet application, e-commerce applications and websites.
PCI checks periodically
PCI DSS is an obligation when storing payment details of your relations. It is advisable to comply with such guidelines. Not online for storing payment data, but for all data that you store from your relations or customers. PCI periodically checks whether your server and your web applications meet the set guidelines. Professionalism is required, so we are happy to help.
Contact us!
Your payment protocol not in order means a breach of your carefully constructed image in concrete terms: you are going to miss out on turnover. It’s a shame that with PCI DSS your payment protocol is much better secured. So, it is important, but we understand that this may be difficult for you. Do you want to know exactly what PCI DSS can deliver for your organisation? Contact us now. We are happy to tell you all the possibilities in person.